Smart picks for a quick and easy meal are places where you have more control over what goes into your order. Many fast-food restaurants also have their menus, with calorie counts, online. These days, there are a variety of menu options where you can find healthier picks. If you crave dessert, opt for fresh fruit or sorbet.Įating fast food doesn’t mean you have to down a fatty cheeseburger and salty fries.If not, ask for a doggie bag and be prepared to take home one-third to half of the meal. Restaurants often offer “half” salads or sandwiches upon request. Portions served at restaurants can be too big.Ask to substitute veggies or salad for fattening sides such as fries, coleslaw or butter-laden mashed potatoes.Choose food items without creamy sauces or gravies. For example, instead of ordering cheese-covered chicken enchiladas, get the grilled chicken or fish tacos. Look for meals that aren’t greasy or oily.Choose veggie-based entrees or those with baked, broiled or grilled fish or skinless chicken.It’s a nutritious and filling start to your meal that will help you consume fewer calories overall. Eat a small salad or broth-based soup first.Take a quick look at restaurant menus online to see which ones provide the best options before you head out. Many restaurants now offer lighter fare on their menus, often with calorie counts. Isuk recommends these strategies to help you stay on track even when you’re feeling frazzled. You can also eat healthier when you’re on the go. But there are ways you can whip up wholesome meals at home without investing tons of time planning meals or grocery shopping. “A diet that’s high in saturated fat, sodium and sugar can lead to obesity , elevated blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure - all of which are risk factors for heart disease,” says Isatu Isuk, R.D., L.D.N., a dietitian at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.